-Pathway to Peace-
A 12 Week Transformational Journey
Ready to answer the highest calling of aligning with your true purpose?
From surviving to thriving to real freedom.
Authentic happiness.
A deeply peaceful life.
Living YOUR highest truth.
That is your purpose.
Pure enjoyment and fulfillment of life.
This is for you if:
You desire to step into being the loving, grounded, fierce woman that you know you are-for your family, for yourself, for the world.
You desire to feel the deep connection within yourself, in your relationships, and with your greater contribution to life.
You desire the deep peace that comes with knowing your truth, why you are here, and your authentic purpose for your life.
You are ready to let go of the judgement, comparison, bitterness, and resentment of others that are living a fully expressed life.
You want more joy. Authentic happiness. Deep fulfillment. True inner peace. Vitality. Full enjoyment. Truth. YOU WANT LIFE!
You are ready to break the negative patterns of numbing, scrolling, constant doing, toxic relating, chronic stress, all the ways we unknowingly cut ourselves off from life.
You are motivated to take yourself to the next level and join a community of other powerful women that are awakening their hearts, expanding their minds, showing up with purpose, poise, rising up, and saying yes to life! THEIR life!
The Signature
There are two pathways we are called to walk which leads to the path that becomes our journey of life. The pathway of the higher self, calling us to push our edges, beyond the smaller self to a life of vitality, flow, greater joy, the bigger and expanded aspects and experiences of life, unencumbered by what holds us in division and separation.
We all have this higher calling to not only experience the light but to BE the light. This calling to more, to our full potential is the driving force within us that is calling us to our highest expression. This higher self calling is built into us and can even change the way our brain processes thoughts and information, stimulating an expanded mind, an awakened heart, that establishes the heart-mind connection that is greater intelligence, expanded consciousness. Ultimately bringing us to that total fulfillment in life, that we all so deeply desire. That is our birthright to experience. That is our purpose.
For this higher self calling to be fully realized there is another pathway we ignite courage to take, another part of the journey we must answer the call to. That is the pathway of the inward journey. We cannot bypass what lives in our body. A deep exploration into ourselves and into the places that perhaps we have never been. Or maybe we have so easily distracted from, avoided, numbed, and cut ourselves off from. To be willing to be tenderized by the depths of ourselves and stripped of all that we are not-the wounding, the hurts, the disappointments, grief, the traumas, the human conditioning that no one is free of experiencing. The ultimate freedom comes when we dare to dive in deeply so that we may expand out beyond ourselves into our fullest expression, to be the light that a world of darkness so desperately needs. To break patterns in our family systems. To end internal suffering. To love deeper. To think greater. To impact every life we touch by simply being who we are.
At the intersection of the pathways is where we find our true purpose, the true journey of life, to simply enjoy it. To discover who we truly are and to be who we are. Life then becomes an adventure of enjoying all that it is and every ingredient that was required to create it.