Is Your Hustle Healthy?

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

Entrepreneurs are a unique breed of human.

Driven, passionate, motivated…..and we often work ourselves to the bone for our vision; even those that chose this path for a better quality of life and more balance. Funny how that works out right?

It took me a few burnouts to finally get the pearls so here are my lessons learned from the burnout rollercoaster, how to overcome them, and how to find work, life, mental, emotional balance.

If your worth is tied to your business or how much you work, YOU WILL burn out. You are worthy and deserving of time off, guilt free.

Schedule time off in your calendar like you would a meeting with your most important client because you ARE that important!

Release guilt, shame and anxiety when you take time off. Avoiding these feelings is why many choose to keep working beyond their breaking point.

Slow down to speed up.

Being IS doing and it is one of the most productive things we can do for our business, every single day. It fuels our creativity, allows our energy to stay balanced, and it keeps stress down. Therefore, we end up getting back more time and energy than if we didn’t!

Set 2-3 hour work blocks throughout your day. In between do something for yourself that feels good (stretch, put on some music and dance, get out into the sunshine, make a hot beverage and enjoy it, meditate, anything that brings you joy).

Gift yourself time in the morning for a self care routine and set a “close computer for the evening” time limit.           

You cannot do it all nor are you meant to.

Your zone of genius is your superpower. Delegate anything outside of it. Even if it costs money. Money is energy and the ROI is definitely in your favor.

Make a list of the tasks you can hand off. Every time you write down a task that isn’t in your core zone of genius, ask yourself...”Is this the best use of my time and energy or can someone else do this?” If control is an issue, start with the low risk tasks and practice trusting 😉.

You will never say the wrong thing to the right people or the right thing to the wrong people so being authentic saves you tons of time, overthinking, and ENERGY!

Trust me, it is safe to take off the mask and it gives other permission to do the same.


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