A sacred space for your soul’s journey

Hi! I’m Rene-

I am dedicated to guiding women that are on a path of self-discovery back to their true feminine essence, embodied aliveness, sensuality, and intuitive wisdom. Through upbringing, societal conditioning, trauma, and core emotional wounding, we can often find ourselves feeling lost, living in dysregulation, disconnected from our true Self energy, overacheiving, unable to experience fulfillment in our relationships, out of love with who we are, and sadly, disconnected from the joy of life.

Then, something of intelligence steps in. A fire is lit inside and you have found your way on a new path of seeking something more for yourself. This is the soul’s calling.

Regardless of how you made it here I am so happy that you are here seeking the expansion you are worthy of.

I will say this-the idea that we have to do everything ourselves is a massive misconception. In fact, humans, especially us women, are hard-wired to THRIVE and EXPAND through connection with eachother, and most importantly, with something greater than us.

If you are longing to embody change and deepen your inner relationship, my committment to you is a supportive and transformative space.

The feminine journey is about going down deep, in and through the body, deep into the soul, healing and reclaiming– a journey travelled by billions of women before you.

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